Home Our Products NetProfiler
Type of Product : Calibration
Type of Business : Automotive ,Coating ,Design ,Paper ,Plastic ,Printing & Packaging ,Textile
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Product Details
NetProfiler is a cloud-based blend of software and color standards for verifying and optimizing performance of color measurement devices, reducing variance among instruments.
  • Enables standardization of color acceptance criteria and quality across locations.
  • Profile a wide range of instruments with or without an Internet connection to ensure accurate performance.
  • Sophisticated monitoring tools can be configured to run on a regular basis for preventative maintenance to detect uncertainties, potential problems and instruments that need servicing to minimize waste and rework due to color issues.
  • Benefit from automatic reminders when an instrument needs profiling, with a centrally controlled enterprise-wide instrument management process that ensures all instruments are performing at peak levels.
  • Improved ceramic calibration media and new configurations optimized for handheld devices.
Errors in measurements can be the result of many different factors, and most can be corrected by profiling. This easy-to-use-solution helps to reduce costs due to measurement drift, identifies instruments in need of service, and helps to avoid inaccurate color in the production of products.