Home Our Products Verivide Color Assessment Cabinets G210A
Verivide Color Assessment Cabinets G210A
For the visual assessment of color under controlled, standard light conditions.
Type of Product : Grading
Type of Business : Textile
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Product Details

Cabinets incorporate a digital control panel, which includes features such as auto sequence, servicing indicator, warm up, power save, data recording and optional dimming. The new look control panel, is also ergonomically designed to allow the user more comfort. Illuminants can be chosen as follows:

  • D65 VeriVide ""Artificial Daylight"" fluorescent lamps conforming to Standard Illuminant D6500. 
  • D652 Additional level of ""Artificial Daylight"" for colors of low reflectance factor.
  • TL83 & 84 Philips Triphosphor fluorescent lamps. Often chosen as a ""Point of Sale"" illuminant.
  • F Filament (domestic) lighting and as a test for metamerism.
  • UV Ultra Violet light to reveal the presence of fluorescent dyes and bleaches.